Assignment 2 - 2011 - Solution

From Statistics for Engineering
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.. rubric:: Assignment objectives

- A review of basic probability, histograms and sample statistics. - Collect data from multiple sources, consolidate it, and analyze it. - Deal with issues that are prevalent in real data sets. - Improve your skills with R (if you are using R for the course).

    • Notes**:

- I would normally expect you to spend between 3 and 5 hours outside of class on assignments. This assignment should take about that long. Answer with bullet points, not in full paragraphs. - **Numbers in bold** next to the question are the grading points. Read more about the `assignment grading system <>`_. - 600-level students must complete all the question; 400-level students may attempt the 600 level question for extra credit. Also 600-level students must read the paper by PJ Rousseeuw, "`Tutorial to Robust Statistics <>`_". </rst>