Separation Processes: CHE 4M3
Class materials
Announcements (previous ones) or
- 19 Nov: your first Quest is posted. Quests are short, on-line tests that you can complete in your own time. This first one requires only a few minutes, and must be completed by Saturday, 23 November, 18:00. There will be a few more of these before the end of the term, to give you practice for the final exam.
- 20 Nov: if you are free from 10:30 to 11:20 on Thursday, I highly recommend you attend this Chemical Engineering seminar, in JHE-326H. It is on membranes, particularly on how the researcher has modified the membrane surface to reduce fouling. His talk also combines the topics of chromatography, adsorption and desorption.
Assignments, projects, exams
Course calendar