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The questions below are from previous McMaster University exams when the course was taught by Dr. John MacGregor and other instructors.  We have covered much of the same material - but a few topics were not covered - so don't expect to be able to answer all questions.
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Revision as of 14:05, 14 September 2012

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.. |-| replace:: :math:`-` .. |+| replace:: :math:`+` .. |micron| replace:: :math:`\mu \text{m}`

.. question::

#. Calculate the minimum area and diameter of a circular thickener to treat 720 :math:`\text{m}^3` per hour of slurry containing 20 |micron| particles of silica, whose density is about 2600 :math:`\text{kg.m}^{-3}`. The particles are suspended in water at a concentration of 650 :math:`\text{kg.m}^{-3}`. The slurry cannot be tested in a lab. Use an over-design factor of 1.5 on the settling velocity. #. If it is desired to have an underflow concentration of 1560 kg solids per :math:`\text{m}^{3}` underflow; what is the underflow volumetric flow rate if total separation of solids occurs? #. Calculate the separation factor. </rst>