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From Engineering Economics and Problem Solving: 4N4
Revision as of 22:32, 5 October 2013 by Kevin Dunn (talk | contribs)
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Engineering Economics and Problem Solving: CHE 4N4

Administrative Class materials
Crystal Clear action configure.png

Announcements (previous ones) or

  • 01 Oct: a new version of the Woods book has been uploaded - it's now fully text searchable.
  • 03 Oct: a new Quest has been posted - due by Sunday evening (updated).
  • 04 Oct: Monday's tutorial will be handed out at the tutorial, then completed in your groups for hand in by the end of the tutorial. See you there. Have a good weekend.
  • 05 Oct: interesting email from a former student: "also wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that 4N and 4C are probably the most discussed courses in any interviews"
  • 05 Oct: details for the self-directed learning project are now posted. There are seven weeks before the due dates, so planning your group's approach early is essential.

Assignments, tutorials, projects, exams Course calendar
Crystal Clear app kedit.png


Assignment questions will be available here. Parts of the assignments will be covered in the tutorial period.

Please follow these instructions when submitting electronically.

Tests, exams and project