Engineering economics - 2013

From Engineering Economics and Problem Solving: 4N4
Revision as of 20:28, 3 September 2013 by Kevin Dunn (talk | contribs)
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Class date(s): 10 September 2013 onwards

Selected references

The following printed materials have influenced the course content. In alphabetical order:

Author(s) Title Library link Google search for ISBN Amazon link for ISBN
Blank and Tarquin Engineering Economy (7th edition, or earlier) McMaster Google Amazon
Fraser et al. Engineering Economics in Canada (3rd edition, or earlier) McMaster Google Amazon
Fraser et al. Global Engineering Economics (4th edition, or earlier) McMaster Google Amazon
Park, Zuo and Pelot Contemporary Engineering Economics, a Canadian perspective (3rd edition, or earlier) McMaster Google NA
Peters and Timmerhaus Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers McMaster Google Amazon
Stermole and Stermole Economic Evaluation and Investment Decision Methods (13th edition, or earlier) NA Google Amazon
Turton et al. Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes (4th edition, or earlier) McMaster Google Amazon
Woods, Donald Cost Estimation for the Process Industries (McMaster download, 30 Mb) NA NA NA

Class slides