Course outline (2012)

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Class date(s): 06 September 2012
Nuvola mimetypes pdf.png (PDF) Course outline


  • The term work will depend to some extent on decisions during the semester; however, the course will not deviate greatly from the point distributions for the key graded tasks during the term, as outlined in the following table.

.. tabularcolumns:: |p{10cm}|p{4cm}|

.. csv-table:: :header: "Term Task", "Maximum points"

"Group learning projects (5 minutes presentation)", "10" "Economic feedback on time value of money", "15" "Graded sensitivity analysis", "15" "Process drawings", "10" "Economics workshop on profitability and comparisons (graded tutorial)", "40" "Economics assignment on cost estimating and profitability", "30" "Safety (graded tutorial)", "20" "Interim report on SDL/process project", "20" "SDL/Process - Technical report", "70" "SDL/Process - Presentation and class notes", "30" "Group reflections - chairperson and group dynamics report", "20" "Course reflection - overview of the course, what you learned, how you learned", "20" "**TOTAL**", "**270**"

The final grade will be allocated from 65% term work and 35% final exam, i.e.

.. math::

\text{Student's grade} &= \text{0.65} (\text{Student's term work}) + \text{0.35} (\text{Student's final exam}) \\ \text{Student's term work} &= \frac{\sum{\text{Student's term points from the above table}}}{\text{Student's maximum term points}} \\ \text{Student's maximum term points} &= \text{300} - \text{points from \emph{excused} absences}

  • You, and your group, will receive the greatest benefit if you plan a strategy for the task where you **all** participate in *all* questions. A deeper understanding will come from reviewing each other's work -- in the same way that an engineer's