Electronic submissions - 2014

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  1. Please do not email electronic documents to us.
  2. Please share your document, with "Editing permission" with the following 2 addresses (do not use our McMaster email addresses):
    • kgdunn@gmail.com
    • mac.stats4eng@gmail.com
  3. Include your name(s) and student number(s) on the first page of the document.
  4. The document title must be of the form:
  5. If you choose (and it is also our preference) that you start and finish your submission in Google Docs. Some students have reported problems when importing equations and tables from native Word documents. Google Docs does a good, but not perfect job of importing them. Do not allow yourself to get caught with badly formatted documents just before your submission is due.
  6. You may also submit a single PDF as your submission; although we cannot comment effectively on this type of file.
  7. Please do not share ZIP files or a collection of documents as your submission.
  8. Please do not share a Word document as your submission. If you prefer to use Word, choose File / Save As and save the document as a PDF. Then share the PDF.
  9. There is really no excuse for improper notation: for example, please use \(\text{m}^3\) instead of m^3; the same applies to Greek letters (e.g. do not use u if you intend \(\mu\)).

Let me know of any other hints you wish to share with your colleagues on how to effectively use Google Docs.

Watch this short video for some tips: