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* [http://learnche.mcmaster.ca/media/3K4-2013-Class-09C.mp3 Audio] and [http://learnche.mcmaster.ca/media/3K4-2013-Class-09C.mp4 video] recording of the class.
* [http://learnche.mcmaster.ca/media/3K4-2013-Class-09C.mp3 Audio] and [http://learnche.mcmaster.ca/media/3K4-2013-Class-09C.mp4 video] recording of the class.

Despite the fact that Polymath code is shorter to write, ''I still recommend you use MATLAB or Python''. For example, comparing simulations is so much easier in MATLAB than Polymath.
Despite the fact that Polymath code is shorter to write, ''I still recommend you use MATLAB or Python''. For example, comparing two simulations and generating plots is so much easier in MATLAB than Polymath.
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{| class="wikitable"

Revision as of 01:19, 15 March 2013

Class date(s): 06 March
Download video: Link (plays in Google Chrome) [142 M]

Download video: Link (plays in Google Chrome) [367 M]

Download video: Link (plays in Google Chrome) [211 M]

Download video: Link (plays in Google Chrome) [331 M]

Textbook references

  • F2011: Chapter 8
  • F2006: Chapter 6

Suggested problems

Will be posted soon

Class materials

06 March 2013 (08B-2)

07 March 2013

Polymath code for example in class. Make sure you plot the instantaneous selectivity, overall selectivity and yield over time. Compare these 3 plots during the batch to understand what each of these 3 variables mean.

# ODEs
d(CA) / d(t) = -k1*CA 
d(CB) / d(t) = k1*CA - k2*CB
d(CC) / d(t) = k2*CB

# Initial conditions
CA(0) = 2 # mol/L
CB(0) = 0 # mol/L
CC(0) = 0 # mol/L

# Algebraic equations
k1 = 0.5 # 1/hr
k2 = 0.2 # 1/hr

# The 3 important algebraic variables: plot these 3 against time and interpret them.
S_DU = if (t>0.001) then (k1*CA - k2*CB) / (k2*CB)  else 0
Overall_SDU = if (t>0.001) then CB/CC else 0
Yield = if (t>0.001) then CB / (2 - CA) else 0

# Independent variable details
t(0) = 0
t(f) = 3.1  # hours

11 March 2013

13 March 2013

Code for the CSTR example:

tau = 0:0.05:10;

CA0 = 2;  % mol/L
k1 = 0.5; % 1/hr
k2 = 0.2; % 1/hr

CA = CA0 ./ (1 + k1 .* tau);
CB = tau .* k1 .* CA ./ (1 + k2 .* tau);
CC = tau .* k2 .* CB;

instant_selectivity = (k1.*CA - k2.*CB) ./ (k2.*CB);
overall_selectivity = CB ./ CC;
overall_yield = CB ./ (CA0 - CA);
conversion = (CA0 - CA)./CA0;

plot(tau, CA, tau, CB, tau, CC)
grid on
ylabel('Concentrations [mol/L]')

plot(tau, overall_selectivity)
ylabel('Overall Selectivity')
grid on

plot(tau, overall_yield)
ylabel('Overall Yield')
grid on

plot(tau, conversion)
hold on
grid on

14 March 2013

Despite the fact that Polymath code is shorter to write, I still recommend you use MATLAB or Python. For example, comparing two simulations and generating plots is so much easier in MATLAB than Polymath.

MATLAB Polymath


function d_depnt__d_indep = pfr(indep, depnt)
% Dynamic balance for the reactor
%    indep: the independent ODE variable, such as time or length
%    depnt: a vector of dependent variables
%    X = depnt(1) = the conversion
%    y = depnt(2) = the pressure ratio = P/P_0 = y
%    Returns d(depnt)/d(indep) = a vector of ODEs
% Assign some variables for convenience of notation
FA = depnt(1);
FB = depnt(2);
FC = depnt(3);
FD = depnt(4);
FE = depnt(5);
FG = depnt(6);
FW = depnt(7);
y  = depnt(8);
% Constant(s)
k1 = 0.014;    % L^{0.5} / mol^{0.5} / s
k2 = 0.007;    % L/(mol.s)
k3 = 0.14;     % 1/s
k4 = 0.45;     % L/(mol.s)
alpha = 0.002; % 1/L
CT0 = 1.0;     % mol/L
FA0 = 10;      % mol/s
FB0 = 5.0;     % mol/s
FT0 = FA0 + FB0;

FT = FA + FB + FC + FD + FE + FW + FG;

CA = CT0 * FA/FT * y;
CB = CT0 * FB/FT * y;
CC = CT0 * FC/FT * y;
CD = CT0 * FD/FT * y;
CE = CT0 * FE/FT * y;
CG = CT0 * FG/FT * y;
CW = CT0 * FW/FT * y;

% Reaction 1: A + 0.5B -> C
r1A = -k1*(CA)*(CB)^(0.5);
r1B = 0.5*r1A;
r1C = -r1A;

%# Reaction 2: 2A -> D
r2A = -k2*(CA)^2;
r2D = -r2A/2;

% Reaction 3: C -> E + W
r3C = -k3*(CC);
r3E = -r3C;
r3W = -r3C;

% Reaction 4: D + W -> G + C
r4D = -k4*(CD)*(CW);
r4W = r4D;
r4G = -r4D;
r4C = -r4D;

% Output from this ODE function must be a COLUMN vector, with n rows
n = numel(depnt);
d_depnt__d_indep = zeros(n,1);
d_depnt__d_indep(1) = r1A + r2A;
d_depnt__d_indep(2) = r1B;
d_depnt__d_indep(3) = r1C + r3C + r4C;
d_depnt__d_indep(4) = r2D + r4D;
d_depnt__d_indep(5) = r3E;
d_depnt__d_indep(6) = r3W + r4W;
d_depnt__d_indep(7) = r4G;
d_depnt__d_indep(8) = -alpha/(2*y) * (FT / FT0);


% Integrate the ODE
% -----------------
% The independent variable always requires an initial and final value:
indep_start = 0.0;   % kg
indep_final = 500.0; % kg
% Set initial condition(s): for integrating variables (dependent variables)
FA_depnt_zero = 10.0;   % i.e. FA(W=0) = 10.0
FB_depnt_zero = 5.0;    % i.e. FB(W=0) = 10.0
FC_depnt_zero = 0.0;    % i.e. FC(W=0) = 10.0
FD_depnt_zero = 0.0;    % etc
FE_depnt_zero = 0.0;
FG_depnt_zero = 0.0;
FW_depnt_zero = 0.0;
y_depnt_zero = 1.0;     % i.e. y(W=0) = 1.0
IC = [FA_depnt_zero, FB_depnt_zero, FC_depnt_zero, FD_depnt_zero, ...
      FE_depnt_zero FG_depnt_zero, FW_depnt_zero, y_depnt_zero];
% Integrate the ODE(s):
[indep, depnt] = ode45(@pfr, [indep_start, indep_final], IC);
% Calculate Yields and Selectivities
FA = depnt(:,1);
FC = depnt(:,3);
FD = depnt(:,4);
FE = depnt(:,5);

Yield_C = FC ./ (FA_depnt_zero - FA);
S_CE = FC./FE;
S_CD = FC./FD;

% Plot the results:
plot(indep, depnt(:,1), indep, depnt(:,2), indep, depnt(:,3), indep, depnt(:,4), ...
     indep, depnt(:,5), indep, depnt(:,6), indep, depnt(:,7), indep, depnt(:,8))
plot(indep, depnt(:,2), 'g')
xlabel('Catalyst weight, W [kg]')
ylabel('Concentrations and pressure drop')
legend('FA', 'FB', 'FC', 'FD', 'FE', 'FG', 'FW', 'y')
k1 = 0.014    # L^{0.5} / mol^{0.5} / s
k2 = 0.007    # L/(mol.s)
k3 = 0.14     # 1/s
k4 = 0.45     # L/(mol.s)
alpha = 0.002 # 1/L
CT0 = 1.0     # mol/L
FA0 = 10      # mol/s
FB0 = 5.0     # mol/s
FT0 = FA0 + FB0

# Concentration functions (isothermal conditions)
CA = CT0 * FA/FT * y
CB = CT0 * FB/FT * y
CC = CT0 * FC/FT * y
CD = CT0 * FD/FT * y
CE = CT0 * FE/FT * y
CG = CT0 * FG/FT * y
CW = CT0 * FW/FT * y

FT = FA + FB + FC + FD + FE + FW + FG

# Reaction 1: A + 0.5B -> C
r1A = -k1*(CA)*(CB)^(0.5)
r1B = 0.5*r1A
r1C = -r1A

# Reaction 2: 2A -> D
r2A = -k2*(CA)^2
r2D = -r2A/2

# Reaction 3: C -> E + W
r3C = -k3*(CC)
r3E = -r3C
r3W = -r3C

# Reaction 4: D + W -> G + C
r4D = -k4*(CD)*(CW)
r4W = r4D
r4G = -r4D
r4C = -r4D

# ODE's
d(FA) / d(W) = r1A + r2A
FA(0) = 10

d(FB) / d(W) = r1B
FB(0) = 5

d(FC) / d(W) = r1C + r3C + r4C
FC(0) = 0

d(FD) / d(W) = r2D + r4D
FD(0) = 0

d(FE) / d(W) = r3E
FE(0) = 0

d(FW) / d(W) = r3W + r4W
FW(0) = 0

d(FG) / d(W) = r4G
FG(0) = 0

W(0) = 0    # kg
W(f) = 500 # kg

Yield_C = if (W>0.001) then (FC / (FA0 - FA)) else (0)
S_CE = if (W>0.001) then (FC/FE) else (0)
S_CD = if (W>0.001) then (FC/FD) else (0)

d(y) / d(W) = -alpha/(2*y) * (FT / FT0)
y(0) = 1.0