Written midterm - 2014

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Due date(s): 15 October 2014
Nuvola mimetypes pdf.png (PDF) Midterm questions
Nuvola mimetypes pdf.png (PDF) Midterm solutions (partial)

The midterm will be on 15 October 2014 and will cover all material in the course up to that point. The midterm will start at 18:30, in MDCL 1102.

Answering questions in the midterm

  • You may bring in any printed materials to the midterm; any textbooks, any papers, etc.
  • You may use any calculator during the midterm.
  • You may answer the questions in any order in the answer booklet.
  • Time saving tip: please use bullet points to answer, where appropriate, and never repeat the question back in your answer.
  • If anything seems unclear, or information appears to be incomplete, please make a reasonable assumption and continue with the question.

How to prepare for the midterm

  • Understand the concepts being learned. My courses are not about applying the correct equation and solving.
  • As you've seen, there are only a handful of equations we have learned in the past weeks. Understanding how to use these equations, and how to interpret them, is important.
  • Check that your answers are reasonable (can you really have a flow rate of 1050 \(\text{m}^3.\text{s}^{-1}\) through a pipe?)
  • Read the questions carefully: they are usually worded precisely. The biggest point where students loose marks is to answer only part of the question.
  • Questions that you did on computer in the assignments: make sure you can repeat them by hand. Obviously not where you have to draw an entire plot, but make sure the calculations to draw that plot can be done for at least one or two points on the curve.