Optimization for Chemical Engineers: CHE 4G3
Class materials
Announcements (previous ones)
- 03 Mar: an interesting article on how the human body has optimized a simple feature: the length of the eyelash. The part on fluid dynamics and optimal boundary layer thickness is interesting.
- 04 Mar: course grades for the assignments have been available since 13 February. Apparently grades are not visible to some students. If that is your case, please email the Avenue Support at support.avenue@cll.mcmaster.ca with attention to Lavinia Oltean, and mention CHEM ENG 4G03 in the subject.
- 04 Mar: the date for the final exam is posted now, Thursday, 16 Apr at 19:00.
- 11 Mar: as mentioned in a prior class, we have a guest speaker today. Here are the notes for her lecture: guest lecture slides. Feel free to print a copy for yourself to take notes on.
- 15 Mar: we are aiming to return the midterms in class on Monday.
Notes for 2015 class
Assignments, projects, exams
Course calendar