Separation Processes: CHE 4M3
Class materials
Announcements (previous ones) or
- 24 Nov: a new and final assignment has been posted for you to work on, and is due on 3 December. These questions are all based on (or directly) from final exams.
- 25 Nov: a neat way of understanding and trying out the osmotic effect cheaply and easily at home.
- 26 Nov: details about the final exam are found here, with some suggestions, and copies or prior final exams.
- 27 Nov: Don't forget about course evaluations for 4M03 - these really help me keep improving the course every year.
- 29 Nov: a small missing piece of information was added to question 3 in assignment 5. Please use 40 kg/hr of solvent for the counter-current system.
- 02 Dec: a [Course_wrap-up_-_2014|new set of notes for class] on Wednesday has been posted (optional to print).
Assignments, projects, exams
Course calendar