Separation Processes: CHE 4M3
Class materials
Announcements (previous ones)
- Please do not wait for feedback on your course project outline to get started with your work (the project is due on 9 November) . You will receive feedback by Friday and over the coming weekend, however, you should start to collect the information you need to work on your report, such as equations on how to design the separator and capital & operating costs.
- The feedback will be simple: at the most, we will suggest additional references for you to consider. In exceptional cases we will adjust the project scope, but most of you have the correct idea in mind: to focus on 1 major separation unit operation.
- The feedback will come as an automated email from Google Docs the moment I start commenting on your document.
- Please note for assignment 4, question 5, you will require making an important correction to the membrane notes: slide 76: \(R = 1 - \displaystyle\frac{C_P}{C_F} \)
- Some changes to deadlines, based on student requests (due to other course loads):
Assignments, projects, exams
Course calendar