Separation Processes: CHE 4M3
Class materials
Announcements (previous ones)
- Since you are doing all the work this week to prepare presentations, I've finally got some time available to grade question 3 from the mid-term. Expect them back soon, and I apologize for the delay. Thanks.
- Due time for presentations is now 7pm the day before: no exceptions after that. Future groups, please make sure your names appear on one of the slides. Thanks.
- New Assignment 5 (part 1) is posted. The remaining questions are coming over the weekend.
- Solutions to assignment 4 were posted a few days ago. I forgot to make an announcement about it.
- New: The midterms will be returned in class on Friday after the presentations. Grades will be posted to Avenue later on Friday or over the weekend
after I've had a chance to analyze the data from it to make any adjustments (if required at all)
- The average grade for the midterm was 71.6 (median was 72). The distribution is mostly normal, with a slightly heavy left tail. There is nothing in the grades to warrant adjustment (i.e. "curving").
- Assignment 5 has sufficient bonus grades to boost your grade; in addition to the take-home exam that's been dropped and course grades redistributed.
Assignments, projects, exams
Course calendar