Class date(s):
Projects runs for most of the term
Download video: Link [117 M]
Download video: Link [119 M]
Download video: Link [118 M]
Download video: Link [100 M]
Download video: Link [109 M]
Download video: Link [124 M]
Three memos have been posted regarding group work and the SDL project:
Presentation materials
Presentation date
20 November 2012
Slides for groups B1, A2, B7
22 November 2012
Slides for groups B5, B4, A4
23 November 2012
Slides for groups A5, B10, B9
27 November 2012
Slides for groups A3, A7, A9
29 November 2012
Slides for groups B8, B2, B3
30 November 2012
Slides for groups B6, A8, A6
03 December 2012 (in JHE 342 at 10:00)
Slides for group A1
Note regarding the last class: the last class is on Monday, 03 December, at 10:00 in JHE 342 (tutorial time slot). There was no other way to schedule this given the large number of groups. Group A1 will present, then I will talk about the final exam. The class will be video recorded for those that cannot make it to the tutorial time. I will also answer any questions by email for those that can't make it.
Informal hints
As you work through your project, here are some questions you should be addressing. Note that there is no structure to the questions here, these are just ideas that should lead you to think about your project topics.
- Where can I get a detailed flowsheet, especially showing the control loops?
- Size of the units: why are they that size?
- What is typical production capacity?
- Why are there redundancies in the flowsheet (redundant valves, pumps, are they in series or parallel)?
- What are the operating bounds of critical safety variables in the plant?
- Where are the safety systems (or deficiencies in the safety systems)? Alarms, interlocks, and relief values how are the instrumented, operated, and reacted to? Where is containment for the relief systems?
- Any recent troubles that occurred with product (troubleshooting), such as bad quality, off-specification product, or low throughput? What was the true/suspected causes?
- How is the process shut down and started up? What is the sequencing for it? How are integrated units, such as furnaces, recycle streams and heat exchangers operated during this time?
- What are some alternative ways of producing the product? Why was this flowsheet/technology/design selected?
- What are typical operating costs?
- Can you estimate the capital cost of this flowsheet?
- How would you run a HAZOP on an important unit in this flowsheet? Who would you involve in the HAZOP? What would be the likely changes required to bring the process to a state of "inherent safety"?
- Are there transitions from one operating point to another? Does the company/flowsheet produce multiple grades of products? How is this transition done (sequencing)?
- Does the flowsheet have some interesting operational characteristics? Such as utility integration (steam, electricity, chilled water), or different operating points to gain higher efficiencies. Why are temperature, pressure, flows (i.e. the state variables in the plant) held at certain points?